Merchant Policies

Delivery methods
One item: $20.00; Each additional item: $50.00
One item: $10.00; Each additional item: $10.00
One item: $50.00; Each additional item: $100.00
Delivery notes

Delivery and Pick up orders must be returned to the same store, uneaten and in original packaging, within two hours of purchase. Replacement orders must match original order with no substitutions. Limited time offer. Store participation may vary. *Insurance coverage for this promotion applies exclusively to Rena’s Veggies kitchen.

Processing time
1 hour
Processing notes

An important information about your order. Food is prepared between 1-2-3 hours depending, and to the time of delivery. Notification will be made towards delivery or pick up time for accurate delivery system. 

Delivery is between 1- 2 hours after food is being prepare. order wise cancellation of order. 

Payment options
Payment methods accepted
Payment notes

Payment made by PayPal and credit or Zelle 

You Zelle with email [email protected]

Thank you for your business .